This website has been developed by the Heart Foundation in collaboration with the Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance, with funding from the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care (the Department). The website has been produced for the information of health professionals. The statements and recommendations contained are, unless labelled as ‘expert opinion’, based on independent review of the available evidence at the time of writing. Interpretation of the content contained on this website by those without appropriate medical and/or clinical training is not recommended other than under the guidance of, or in consultation with, a suitably qualified health professional. While care has been taken in preparing the content of this material, the Department and the Heart Foundation and their respective employees do not accept any liability, including for any loss or damage, in whole or in part, resulting from the reliance on the content, or its accuracy, currency and completeness. The Department and the Heart Foundation do not make any representation or warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of the information provided. Any resources referred to are not necessarily formally endorsed by the Department or the Heart Foundation. This website reflects the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the Department or the Heart Foundation.